(XBLA/PSN) Shoot Many Robots

(XBLA/PSN) Shoot Many Robots


Shoot Many Robots
Developer: Demiurge Studios
Publisher: Ubisoft
Platforms: XBLA, PSN
Genre: Platform Shooter
Modes: 1-4 Player Co-op


Forget zombies, the Robot Apocalypse is coming and P. Walter Tugnut knows this! With the world around him becoming a waste junkyard, Tugnut seemed quite happy living the life in his RV... that is until the robots stole and destroyed his trusty beloved truck! What they didn't realise is that this hillbilly is armed to the teeth with a very, very large arsenal!

Developed by Demiurge Studio's (who I must admit I have never heard of before) and after a quick Google, I found out this was their first original title. If this is their first, I will be eagerly awaiting a go at their future titles!

What I loved about this game is the humor, It plays like a traditional shooter but the developers obviously have a good sense of humor... that really takes the edge off when I died because I didn't feel like swearing or throwing the controller at the screen!

The great thing about a platform game is the simplicity and how accessible they are to all age groups. Left, right, jump and shoot how more simpler can it get? If you don't mind you child playing games which involve shooting, they will enjoy this game.

The object of this game is a simple as the controls. Shoot as many robots as you can in the traditional platform style or in survival mode where its wave after wave of vicious robots and a boss at the end of each level. Tugnut carries two weapons at a time. His main weapon, for example can be a light machine gun and a heavier weapon like a RPG. His main weapon has unlimited ammunition, whilst his heavier weapons are limited to a certain amount.

In Tugnuts world money has no value, instead nuts (and bolts) are his currency of choice. As you collect nuts your character ranks up allowing your character to handle better and more powerful weapons which can be purchased using the nuts you have collected, as well as weapons clothing and gear can be purchased which will effect Tugnut's attributes. A quick look in the equipment store revealed hundreds of gear and weapons to unlock and purchase.

While playing solo this game is challenging, but its multiplayer feature is where the real fun begins! With up to 4 players on screen at one time, this game will be an entertaining game to play with mates, but remember you are not only trying to beat the game but your mates also... let the rivalry begin!

When I first loaded the game, the first thing that entered my mind was a comic book, everything looks hand drawn but with a kind of 3d look to it. Fans of Borderlands with be able to relate to the look. While there is nothing ground breaking in the visuals department, they are none the less very well done, you do get the feeling the world has become a disgusting rubbish filled wasteland.

The sounds in this game were very well done. From the rock soundtrack to the sound of an exploding barrel, for a low cost title they really went to alot of effort with this game.

Keep It?
  • At $15.99/800 MSP how can you go wrong !
  • Fun for all the family and friends
  • Challenging
  • Great sense of humour


Ditch It?

  • Might get boring if you plan on playing it solo but that will take a while


Anything Else?

Usually when buying a game if its under $20 I would wonder "whats wrong with it?". But at $15.99 (on the PSN) and 800 Microsoft Points (on the XBLA) this is a great buy. I would have been happy to pay twice that amount. However, whilst playing, I couldn't help but feel like I was back in the 90's, jamming a cartridge in the ol' Sega Mega Drive and playing one of those classic platform games.... and this one for me is an instant classic.

I'm off to play some Guns and Roses!

Score: 8/10


Written by Iggle Piggle